bexo V2.5

Active Back Exoskeletons for labor intensive workers.

A research project under EPIC Lab at Georgia Tech.

Lifting and loading tasks in the workplace are ​common sources of musculoskeletal injuries. Back ​Exoskeleton (Bexo) research team evaluates the ​performance of device during various manual tasks ​and how it might be integrated into workplaces to ​offset injuries.

bexo V3

Active Back Exoskeletons for labor intensive workers.

A research project under EPIC Lab at Georgia Tech.

While I think Bexo V2.5 is a really great active back ​exoskeleton design (not bias at all 😌). It still has a lot of ​room for improvements. One big thing is the weight of the ​device, limiting the comfortability of it. Nothing can be done ​much to improve this since the design is very much bare ​bone. Most of the weight comes from the two actuators ​(AK80-6). Therefore, I am exploring a new design overhaul ​that utilizes only one actuator!


Patent Pending

Semi-rigid back exoskeleton

Xspine is proven to be an objectively better back exoskeleton ​design compared to Bexo. I went through a few iterations, and one of ​them has a patent pending! I urge you to learn more about this very ​interesting and unique piece of engineering.


Patent Pending

Pulley Tensioning system

This was one of the projects I did for Institute of Human and ​Machine Cognition (IHMC) Robotics during my Summer 2022 ​internship. It was super fun and challenging to work on this ​project and it turned out great! We decided to file a patent for ​it as well after I wrapped up the project. That being said, I will ​share just the surface level of the project to not interfere with ​the patent filing process.


A Machine learning project

The project is current in stealth mode right now, but I am super excited to share more about it when I can! 😉

VR GunStock

for Meta Quest 3

I wanted a fun project to work on during ​Thanksgiving break in 2023 and I recently got a Quest 3 ​headset at the time. So, I decided to design my own ​gunstock to play first-person shooter games with!

But design a basic magnetic gunstock would just be ​too basic and not as fun to design. So, I added a ​pump-action mechanism to it by adding a compliance ​mechanism.


for web embedding

I am sure many of you have heard of Pomodoro, but ​not Flowmodoro. I don’t think it is widely known, but it is ​basically a reversed Pomodoro. Instead of taking a ​break every 25 minutes, Flowmodoro lets you work for ​as long as you want then to take a certain amount of ​break (divide the work session time by 5 in this case) ​depending on how long you had worked. This allows for ​an uninterrupted work session which works a lot better ​for me since I don’t want to get interrupted during my ​“Flow” state.

Since this method is not wildly know, there is not a ​tool for me to use (a stop watch is an option, but not ​as cool, haha). I decided to create one, using HTML, JS, ​and CSS, for web embedding since I want to use it on ​my Notion!

I have a plan to turn this into a physical device in a ​keychain form to make it portable and just to improve ​my electronics skill (stay tune! 😄)


Iot Vertical smart farm

The story behind this project is that I live in a condominium with ​very limited space. I wanted to cultivate my own produce while not ​spending a lot of time tending them. So, me in 2017 who recently ​learned about 3D printing and Internet of Things (IoT) decided to ​combine all three concepts together!

Born was the internet connected vertical smart farm or AgroBot! ​The plants will be planted in trays stacking on top of each other. the ​carrier with tool heads will move around precisely to each location to ​care for the plants. The functionalities include watering, liquid ​nutrients dispensing, and weeding

This is a simple IoT dashboard I created to ​monitor and control Agrobot. I could not find a ​picture of the dashboard that has a live camera ​feed.

I went around an entered competitions with this ​including a Makerthon (Hackathon for makers)! ​Of course, I won a lot of competitions with ​AgroBot 😋.

Line Tracking Robot

Robotic Car Racer

Here is where it all started... Back in 2016, I entered a ​robotics competition, competing to see whose robot ​would be the fastest! It was my first introduction to ​how amazing, fun, and exciting real engineering can ​be. It was also the first time I learned about PID ​controller! The video you see is the final round of the ​race. It may not seem that fast, which it wasn’t, but ​considering the knowledge I had at the time, I am ​pretty proud of my younger self! (Plus, I won the ​competition, haha.)


Budget 3d printer

Back in 2017, I got my first ever 3D printer, Tevo Tarantula. An era ​before the birth of Ender 3, haha. I had so much fun (and pain) ​trying to assemble that printer, but I learned so much during the ​process.

Fast forward a year, I wanted to really learn how to design such a ​machine of my own. As a broke high school student, I had to keep it ​under a certain budget which was around $175. That price was ​amazing back then.

I wiped up Fusion 360 and started designing it. Most parts are 3D ​printed using the printer I had. B150 turned out great! It has 150 x 150 ​x 150 mm print volume. Looking back at it, the design was nowhere ​near perfect. There were a bunch of stuff I could improve. However, I ​will cut myself some slack since I was just a beginner engineer back ​then!

The infamous cube 😏

Lattice structure!

B150 printing itself


I won over the years


Champion, SPU Line Tracking Robot Contest 2016


Best Performance, SPU Line Tracking Robot Contest 2017

Address: 960​ Spring St. NW

Atlanta, GA, USA​ 30309

Sarasit (Arm) Sirawattanakul

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